Art in the Park

Charlotte works with a child on a long table that is in an outdoor public space. They are making homemade paper using pulp, screens, and sponges. The Art Equals purple and blue logo is on a banner off the table.

Going to the park during the summer feels like a right of passage for those kids free from the confines of school. Some of us may even recall a memory from our childhood that involves some form of lanyard craft created in the shade of a park shelter. But, when Art Equals heads to the park with a load of creative supplies, we have much more on our mind than just keeping boredom at bay.

Art in the Park invites everyone – kids, parents, grandmas, teens – to come and join in the creative experience. Creating is good for keeping minds occupied during those long summer months, and it’s also good for our mental health.

And what better space than a park to inspire creativity! From the rustle of lush green leaves, the smell of fresh cut grass, and the sounds of birds and kids singing their song together, there is inspiration in spades. Connecting with nature has an added benefit for our well-being, so combined with creativity you’ve got a double whammy of awesomeness.

Folks of all ages and abilities are welcome to join us on Tuesdays throughout the summer from 10am until 12pm at Pioneer Park in Covington, KY. You can check out our events calendar for all the details.

We will have new activities every week! Some of our favorites include creating story sticks, botanical printing, one page wonder zines, and so much more. We’ll see you soon in the park!

Have questions? Feel free to reach out to us via Instagram, Facebook, or email!


Art Equals Hive: Summer 2023


Coffee with Creators: Julia Martin